Your garden and landscape projects involve no small investment of time, energy and money – not to mention love. Once your backyard oasis springs to life, however, you may not be the only one enjoying the (literal) fruits of your efforts.
Diagnose Your Problems
Working in partnership with your local Extension agent or Extension Master GardenerSM volunteers, NC State’s Plant Disease and Insect Clinic can diagnose many common plant disease and insect problems, or help you collect and submit a sample if needed.
Depending on what you’re growing, you’ll likely have some insects, weeds and even diseases trying to move in. Fortunately for you, Extension urban horticulture expert Karen Neill has fought this fight many times and is sharing tips and tools to help you maintain your illustrious landscapes.
Watch as Karen introduces an approach called IPM, or integrated pest management. IPM is an economical and environmental approach to address garden pest issues so they pose less of a problem, while the products you choose pose less of a threat to us as well. They’re less hazardous to people, to the property and to the environment.
Your Guide to a Pest-free Garden
Developed especially for home gardening enthusiasts and Extension Master Gardener volunteers, the North Carolina Extension Gardener Handbook is an award-winning resource for research-based gardening and landscaping information. If you live and grow in North Carolina or the Southeast, this is your must-have gardener’s guide.
Discover more answers to your pest questions in the online version of the N.C. Extension Gardener Handbook.
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