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pest management

A joro spider waiting in the center of its web.

Jun 30, 2022

One Giant Leap: Joro Spiders in North Carolina

Like thunderstorms beckoning the arrival of cold fronts, the internet is saturated with misleading headlines announcing the arrival of a giant, hand-sized spider in North Carolina. But who said bigger was badder? 

Close-up of the underside of a spider crawling on a thread of its web.

Jun 18, 2022

The Amazing Spiders of North Carolina

Occasionally frightening, always fascinating, most spiders are of the friendly neighborhood variety. Take a closer look and discover one of nature's most unique and beneficial animals. 

A ladybug perched on a blade of grass.

Nov 11, 2020

Avoid Insect Invaders in Your Home During Winter, Spring

Bears aren't the only animals who hibernate for the winter. Certain insect invaders like to stay cozy during the cold months too - in your nice warm home! 

A close-up view of a garden mosquito on a person's arm.

Aug 14, 2020

Treating for Mosquitoes While Protecting Pollinators

Mosquitoes are a real pain, but is it possible to keep them at bay while protecting pollinators? Learn how to keep pollinators safe while keeping mosquitoes away in this episode. 

Numerous fire ants on a piece of wood in front of a blue background

Jul 19, 2019

Controlling Fire Ants in Your Yard

We all know that fire ants are bad news, but how do you spot them? And what can you do to get rid of them? 

A diseased zinnia flower with rust on its leaves

Mar 15, 2018

How to Manage Pests and Disease in My Garden

You may not be the only one enjoying the (literal) fruits of your gardening efforts. Discover tips and tools to help you maintain your illustrious landscapes through an approach called IPM, or integrated pest management. 

Homegrown series_Deer Resistant Plants video image

Mar 15, 2018

Deer Resistant Plants for the Garden

Long the bane of the backyard gardener, deer may damage farm crops, gardens, trees and shrubs. Watch as Extension Master Gardener volunteer Bobbi Crawford shares her time-tested tips and the deer resistant plants she uses in her home landscape.