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Honey bees building a comb for their hive.

Jun 18, 2024

Promoting a Honey Bee Haven in North Carolina

Discover more about the bustling and beautiful lives of bees, how NC State is helping to promote and protect these essential pollinators, and what you can do to help! 

A cecropia caterpillar is attached to the underside of a partially eaten leaf.

Jun 26, 2021

North Carolina’s Very Hungry Caterpillars

North Carolina is home to nearly 3,000 caterpillar species, of which only about 3% are garden pests. Learn more about these baby butterflies and moths, and their ecological value. 

Fireflies or lightning bugs flying at night in the forest.

Jun 17, 2021

Discover the Secret Science of Fireflies

One of the more magical moments of summer is the first firefly (or lightning bug)! These little luminaries are both mesmerizing and mysterious, so our expert shed some light on the subject. 

Two young brothers sitting in a strawberry field having fun while picking strawberries.

May 14, 2021

The Perfect Time for Pickin’ Strawberries

Pollen and gardens aren't the only things bursting anew come springtime in the South – sweet and scrumptious strawberries are back in season! Discover pointers for picking the perfect berries. 

The hood and front window of a blue car is coated with yellow pollen.

Apr 29, 2021

Pollen Season Is Nothing to Sneeze at

Find out where all that yellow pollen comes from, steps you can take to reduce the impact of pollen on allergies, and how pollen actually plays a critical role in our everyday lives in unexpected ways. 

A young girl holds a wooden bowl with greens and flowers.

May 7, 2020

Foraging for Backyard Edibles

Did you know that you can eat some of the plants in your yard? Join Travis Birdsell in this episode of In the Garden to learn which backyard plants you can use to make a fresh spring salad. 

Oct 11, 2019

Growing Bright and Beautiful Daylilies

Daylilies are popular perennial flowers known for their vivid colors. They’re resilient, easy to grow and will brighten any garden bed — lets get started! 

A cute little girl holds a freshly picked cucumber from a raised bed garden. Selective focus on the cucumber in the foreground.

Jun 26, 2019

Growing Cucumbers in Your Home Garden

Cucumbers pack a cool, crisp punch as a healthy snack, salad or pickling project. We'll show you how easy it is to grow your own! 

Baptisia growing in a garden

Mar 14, 2019

How to Grow Baptisia in Your Garden

Baptisia is a colorful flowering, native North Carolina plant that's easy to grow and deer resistant. Learn how to add some color to your garden! 

Close-up look of a grass lawn.

Mar 19, 2018

Choosing Cool or Warm Season Grass for Your Lawn

Why is my neighbor's lawn flourishing in the winter while my lawn turns brown? Learn about the benefits of both cool and warm weather turfs, and how to care for them.