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Debra Ireland

Orange leaves on a Japanese maple tree branch

Sep 14, 2020

Growing Japanese Maples

Despite their delicate appearance, Japanese maples are surprisingly easy to grow. Learn how to add brilliant color to your landscape. 

A close-up view of a garden mosquito on a person's arm.

Aug 14, 2020

Treating for Mosquitoes While Protecting Pollinators

Mosquitoes are a real pain, but is it possible to keep them at bay while protecting pollinators? Learn how to keep pollinators safe while keeping mosquitoes away in this episode. 

A person chops a head of red cabbage.

Jun 8, 2020

Braised Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage

Several fruits and vegetables have long shelf lives so you can stock up for nutritious meals, even during a pandemic! 

A young girl holds a wooden bowl with greens and flowers.

May 7, 2020

Foraging for Backyard Edibles

Did you know that you can eat some of the plants in your yard? Join Travis Birdsell in this episode of In the Garden to learn which backyard plants you can use to make a fresh spring salad. 

A woman holding a chef's knife leaning over a counter and cutting board to demonstrate proper cutting technique.

Aug 10, 2019

How to Cut With a Chef’s Knife

The chef's knife is a kitchen superhero you can use to slice, dice and chop your way to healthy meals. Watch and learn simple cutting techniques. 

Close up of hands holding an unpeeled orange and a cup of peeled orange slices

Jul 18, 2019

Tips for Cutting Grapefruit and Oranges

Oranges are an easy snacktime staple, but it's not always easy to get past the peel to the juicy goodness inside. A few cutting techniques can make snacking on citrus less of a mess! 

Close up of a hand holding a chef's knife and cutting a carrot

Jul 18, 2019

How to Properly Dice Fruits and Vegetables

We'll show you the easiest ways to achieve different sized cuts that you'll need for most recipes. 

Close up of hand holding a knife and cutting a yellow onion

Jul 18, 2019

How to Cut Onions Without Crying

The only crying you should be doing are tears of joy, as we'll share the secret to cutting onions without tearing up!