While it’s tempting to wash your turkey before cooking it, you could actually do more harm than good! Tune in as our resident food safety expert and NC State Extension specialist, Ben Chapman, shares research-based tips for prepping your prized poultry so everyone stays happy and healthy for the holidays.
Thanksgiving Food Safety | Ask the Experts
View allHow Do I Make Stuffing and Dressing Safely?
Want to make stuffing for your holiday meal, but don’t want to make your guests sick? We have food safety tips from an expert.
Can Mashed Potatoes Make You Sick? Food Safety Tips for Thanksgiving Side Dishes
What can you do to avoid foodborne illness this holiday season? We got advice from a food safety expert.
How Long Is Homemade Pie Safe to Eat? And Other Thanksgiving Dessert Questions
Do I need to keep pumpkin pie in the refrigerator? Your pie questions, answered!
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