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Tips for Timing Your Holiday Meal

Happy father bringing Thanksgiving turkey to the table for his family's' meal. Play Video

Everyone’s favorite eating season is here, thank goodness for the holidays! One of the most common questions your family may ask on Thanksgiving – besides “What time does the game start?” – is “When will the food be ready?”

Before your family can feast, however, you’ll want to make sure everything is planned out and timed just right. Otherwise, you raise your risk of unfortunate results – from cold potatoes or unfinished pies to food safety or quality issues.

But how do you cook everything with just one oven? What should you prepare first? And how long can your prized turkey or other foods sit out before spoilage or food safety issues come into play?

Our resident food-safety expert and NC State Extension specialist, Ben Chapman, shares research-based tips to help you plan a safe and happy holiday meal!